What is happening now
This is my now page, inspired by Derek Sivers.
I’m currently living in Indaiatuba, São Paulo and working remotely. I have my own company, work full-time for Doist and esporatically to Intervac when I have time to spare.
Daily, I’m working on Todoist and sometimes Twist, improving their APIs and backend codebase at Doist. Mostly working with Python and a bit of Golang.
While I’m not doing that, I’m taking care of my family (I have 3yo twins) at home with all its ups and downs. It’s getting better with time, but it’s still a lot of work 😅.
I’ve been working with a friend on a course on how to learn the Rust programming language, hopefully it will be available in the beginning of the next year.
There’s not much more time for anything else, but something I’m trying to prioritize is playing Magic the gathering (Pauper) at least once a month. In paper, in a local game store, to fully disconnect of everything.
There are some things I’m still involved with, but not very active:
- Organizing the São Paulo Rust community 🦀 (since 2017) and the Ruby community in São Paulo (since 2008!). I miss meetups and speaking, but I can’t really justify it right now.
- Custom computer keyboards in general. I’m still trying to find some time to fix my fully assembled dactyl-cc and post about it, and also trying to find time to build my Corne low profile keyboard. I have half of it working already.
(last updated in Dec 2023)