Guess what!? Yes, metrics for June! πŸ“Š


I usually don’t count how many books I read, I just track and check at the end of the month. When I saw that I read five books read this month, my face was like 😱. All of them received a 4-star review, so the result is quite good.

List of books read this month

Note: I write a full review for all books I read. Sometimes I mention some of them here, but you can find all of them on my Goodreads account.


I’m still experimenting with an integration between Pocket and Google Spreadsheets via IFTTT. I’m adding a tag to the articles I read and want to include in my list of articles read for the month.

Articles read this month

I use a SUMIF to sum all lines containing the YEARMONTH tag and it shows I got 27 articles read.

Let’s compare this with the old method:

var pocket = {"unread":1539,"unread_pct":2.47,"read":1146,"read_pct":4.36}

var uls=document.body.getElementsByTagName("ul");
unread = uls[0].children.length;
pocket["unread_pct"] = +((1 - pocket["unread"] / unread) * 100).toFixed(2);
pocket["unread"] = unread;
read = uls[1].children.length;
pocket["read_pct"] = +((1 - pocket["read"] / read) * 100).toFixed(2);
pocket["read"] = uls[1].children.length;
console.log("# Result: " + JSON.stringify(pocket))

# Result: {"unread":1573,"unread_pct":2.16,"read":1173,"read_pct":2.3}

It means I have 1573 articles unread and 1173 articles read. Comparing with my results from the last month (1539 unread and 1146 read), I got around 2.16% more unread articles and 2.3% more read articles.

1173 (read this month) - 1146 (read prev. month) = 27 (the number in the spreadsheet)

It seems my spreadsheet tracking is working as expected. πŸŽ‰ I have to think if it’s a good thing to lose the number of articles added, but I’m not sure if it’s bringing that much value in the current situation.


Here are the charts from Wakatime since the last post. I will start with editors this time:

Editors used during this month on Wakatime

Emacs is superior this month. I don’t remember seeing any uptrend during the month though. πŸ€”

Hours of coding on Wakatime this month

It’s better than the other months. It’s interesting to see that Sunday was one of the days I programmed the most. πŸ€” Usually, it’s related to my presentations (rehearsing live coding) or writing this blog post, which makes markdown to be on the top of the list of languages. πŸ˜…

Languages used during this month on Wakatime

And now we have a surprise! Rust is the most used language this month with more than 32% of my usage. 😱

The reason for that is my gaming with Rust presentation this month. I plan to do some live coding, in the same way, I did for Python, Javascript, and Ruby in the past. It is taking almost all my spare time, but it’s also a ton of fun.

Thanks to my monthly posts and lengthy posts on Twist (that I write in Emacs), Markdown is in the second position.

Python is my first language nowadays and Ruby is used when I work as a freelancer full-stack developer (for the same company, for more than 2 years now).


This month I spoke about the same topic as my book at Impacta tecnologia.

Still related to this presentation: this month also marks the milestone of 1000 copies of my book sold, which is incredible. I promised to write about it, hope to have a post soon.

Completed tasks

Here is the comparison of the tasks for the last month (first) and the tasks for this month (second). I extracted it from Todoist.

Amount of tasks completed last month Amount of tasks completed this month

This time I could take the screenshot at the right time so we can compare. It seems stable, but I can see an improvement there. It is quite unreliable to use the number of tasks as it can be “drink water” or “implement a complex system”, but I’m OK with that. πŸ˜€


Here is my Podcast Addict stats:

Amount of time spent listening to Podcasts this month

1 days and 8 hours of podcast time. A little bit less than the last month, but as usual, the decrease of time listening Podcast correlates a lot with the number of books read (listen). πŸ‘

Here is the list of Podcasts and their times:

Amount of time spent listening to Podcasts, ordered by title

I’m not entirely comfortable with this list. It doesn’t tell a true story. I listen to many good and small podcasts, and they are not part of this list because the long ones usually take their place. As an example, I listen to CBN podcasts almost every day, but they are just some minutes long.

I’m keeping this list here because it shows some of the Podcasts I follow, but I will probably find the best way to do that. I will probably export a file every month and post it here. πŸ‘

Hours working

Here is the data from my time tracking software (Toggl) comparing the last month (first) and this month (second):

Hours working using Toggl last month

Hours working using Toggl

June 21st I was at AWS Summit SΓ£o Paulo 2018.

I had 19 work days tracked this month, and I worked for 160 hours, which mean that I worked 8 hours more than I should (more than I had last month, which was 5 hours). It’s quite bad since I worked 1 day more than I should. The goal is to reach 8 hours and remove those bars that exceed the 9h threshold. Currently, it’s not a huge problem, but I want to be able to stabilize it.

Let’s check Deep work versus Shallow work:

Deep vs Shallow work

Last month I was discussing each item of the Deep work, but I will get back to discussing Shallow work only since it’s what concerns me the most. Deep work is useful, sometimes it’s not coding, but it’s related and meaningful work.

For shallow work, we have:

  • Meeting time is stable (and productive), considering two 1-1 meetings (1 hour each) and four weekly meetings (around 40 minutes each)
  • Read/Reply Twist is stable but still consuming much time, more than 2 hours every day.
  • Lunch/Break is now complete! I’m spending around 26 hours in lunch/break. Considering that I had 19 days of work, it’s less than 1.5 hours. I should stop and stretch more than I’m doing now.

Let’s check the Twist usage by hour (previous month first, this month after):

Twist usage by time of the day Twist usage by time of the day

No significant changes, and as I said in my previous review, I’m not that satisfied with this chart. The perfect chart for me would have a small peak at 9-10, almost no usage between 10-13, a giant peak between 14 and 16 and less usage from 16 to 21. That performance is what would be more productive to me according to the daily when tracker.

Now, let’s continue with my personal projects, last month first and this month last:

Hours working on personal projects using Toggl

Hours working on personal projects using Toggl

What an improvement! It’s probably related to my presentation since I’m rehearsing it a lot. πŸ˜…

Here is my data from RescueTime:

Goal of productive hours on RescueTime RescueTime pulse

My pulse is worst this month. I’m still tracking my Telegram usage since it’s the most used application of the Very distracting category. Here is the comparison from the previous month to the current one:

Time spend on Telegram according to Rescuetime Time spend on Telegram according to Rescuetime

It seems the usage increased. I don’t know why yet.

Comparing Telegram usage by time of the day, we have (last month first, this month second):

Time of the day I used Telegram according to Rescuetime Time of the day I used Telegram according to Rescuetime

It’s not that used in my peak times, but it seems to be the opposite of Twist usage. I have to work on that.

Physical activity

I’m using my Mi band data to calculate my average steps:

Activity data for this month by Mi-Fit app Activity data comparison for this month by Mi-Fit app

This month I have almost 8k steps compared to 7k from the previous month. πŸŽ‰

Let’s check my weight:

Weight this month

It’s nice, but it doesn’t show what I want. If you look by the 90 days perspective using MyFitnessPal, we have a better picture of that:

Weight in the last 90 days via MyFitnessPal

My plan to lose a little bit of weight is finally on the way. πŸ‘

Here is my sleep data for this month:

Amount of sleep for this month

Good to see it’s improving every month. πŸ™ƒ

TV Shows

According to tvshowtime, I watched just 1 episode this month:

TV shows watched this month according to tvshowtime

It’s probably related to the last episode of Sense 8.

I forgot to get my data from at the beginning of this month. The current version already includes some other TV shows. I will keep last month’s version here for reference.

[TV shows watched this month according to trakt](/images/stats/2018/jun/tvshows-trakt.jpg “)

The most important part is in blue:

  • TV Shows: 31d 22h 50m
  • Movies: 10d 15h 22m

Words written and errors

I’m using Grammarly to improve my English and track the number of words and errors when I’m writing. Unfortunately, they only send weekly emails, but I will try to keep this metric for a while.

Here are my stats for this month:

  • 47147 words written (38747 last month)
  • 595 corrections made (385 last month)
  • 10973 unique words (11213 last month)

It seems that I’m writing more but not with a better vocabulary 😞. I’m not sure if it’s related to the fact that I’m not tracking everything I type in Twist anymore. πŸ€”


Let’s compare the previous and this month, the previous first and this month right after it:

General view of my locations data last month . General view of my locations data this month

One new city popped out, and according to Google locations, it’s SΓ£o Paulo πŸ€”.

A little bit more time in a vehicle. It seems that I’m getting out of the cavern more nowadays πŸ˜…

Location time and distance last month . Location time and distance this month

Still many kilometers to “reach the moon”:

Kms to the moon


It’s time to check my expenses! πŸ’°

This month I spend 29% of my earnings, which is still below my expectations (40%). This 29% are distributed into the following categories (in pt-BR):

Expenses by category this month

I see more general expenses (Compras) than I would like. Gifts and donations ( Presentes / Doaçáes) are quite high this month because of my parents in law health insurance. I decided to add it to the donations category because I’m already using the Family one (FamΓ­lia / Filhos) to track the expenses with my dog. πŸ˜…

We spent a lot with Doctors and medicines this month (SaΓΊde), but I hope it will not be a recurrent expense.

My total savings increased by 1.32% this month, and now I have 95.35% of my goal.

Time to write this blog post

It’s an important metric to understand if it worth taking the time to write it. So:

It took 3 hours and 40 minutes to write it

It was a good time considering my average. πŸŽ‰


It was quite hard to take the time to write down this post, but I’m glad I did it. I feel excellent when I read my accomplishments every month. ☺

See you next month. πŸ––